Sunday, September 16, 2007

The first month of School 2007-2008 year

Welcome to yet another school year! This year we will have students from my fifth grade classroom doing the entries to this school year's blog. As of this week, we just recieved our classroom computers and the CoW schedule has finally been made. We have a ton of things going on in the classroom and school. Once the schedule becomes more routine, the students will begin blogging the events and daily events of our classroom. So stay tuned!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Once Again my friends it is the end

Another school year is winding down to a close. However, many changes are expected for next year at Edison McNair! With any teachers moving on, a new principal and an entirely new staff, the future of the school is up in the air for all who attend next year. As for myself, I too will be moving on to another district next year....where? I will know sometime this week or have to wait until next school year beings, only time will tell. My worst case scenario is that I'm back at McNair next year but my credential becomes even closer to being voided if I do *sigh* Whomever made the comment, "May you live in intresting times." should get a swift kick to the buttox.
~Ms.Young (6th grade teacher)